Are you looking for a designer for a future project? I thought I would fill you in on a few key aspects of the design process at amy dutton Home. We work in phases throughout the project: Discovery, Schematic, and Construction Drawings. At the end of each of these phases, I work with one or… Continue reading The Design Process
Tag: amy dutton home
How to Select the Right Window
Are you in the market for new windows? If so, it is indeed a confusing and expensive process. I was talking to another designer the other day and we both agreed that about 30% of our time on a project with windows is spent on windows. That also translates to the amount of time that… Continue reading How to Select the Right Window
How to Choose that Perfect Rug
Are you looking for that perfect rug? A lot more care and thought goes into the final purchase of a rug than one would think, so let us help you! Recently, I helped a client who was moving into a new house select and purchase all new rugs. So, I thought I would provide you… Continue reading How to Choose that Perfect Rug
Holy Hale!
Holy Hale! Hale’s is In! Are you looking for a talented, creative, all-inclusive landscaping team? Hale’s Landscaping is the answer! Steve and John Hale of Hale’s Landscaping are the brothers that have brought landscaping into the realm of creative design with rock, moss, lichen and native New England plants to make your entry, front and/or… Continue reading Holy Hale!
Relaxing During the Holidays~ Part 2
Does the very title of this blog excite or irritate you? Or both? Most reasonable people can see that holiday stress is pretty much self-inflicted. We want to treat everyone in our lives as special as they are and that simply takes time. Time that you simply don’t have. You have the lists in your… Continue reading Relaxing During the Holidays~ Part 2
How to Create a Memorable Christmas Tree
How old are you? A Christmas Tree typically takes a form of maturity in life. When we were young newlyweds, our tree was empty and I made all the ornaments. Every year I would buy a new ornament that would join the classy white lights. Then, I had children and they really wanted colored lights… Continue reading How to Create a Memorable Christmas Tree
What If You Don’t Like To Decorate?
Do you like to decorate for holidays? Okay, I’ll admit – I am not a fan. It’s taken me several years to admit this. I was decorating the showroom and a customer noticed my frustration and I just blurted out, “I hate decorating for the holidays.” And she said, “Oh, that is so freeing to… Continue reading What If You Don’t Like To Decorate?
How to Make Room for Your Christmas Tree
Where does your tree go in your house? I have literally designed homes for people around their Christmas tree location. But, for the rest of us, it is fairly difficult to figure out where to put the tree. After all, it is a living tree that goes inside of our house (a bit strange). My… Continue reading How to Make Room for Your Christmas Tree