Behind the Scenes of My Design Process

Have you ever wondered about the Design Process? Well, it is exactly that… a process.   I work in three primary phases when working on an architectural project. They work fluidly together and are incredibly consistent that my clients have grown comfortable with them. DISCOVERY: In the Discovery Phase, we measure the existing conditions of… Continue reading Behind the Scenes of My Design Process

Freshen Up Your Bathroom with New Fixtures

Do you need to freshen up your bathroom with new fixtures and tile? It seems during this time of Covid, pretty much everyone feels this way. Well, here are a few things that you should know.   Start with Planning! ALWAYS! Most especially during Covid, planning comes first. Don’t even think about starting a project… Continue reading Freshen Up Your Bathroom with New Fixtures

Making Windows Work for You

Windows are the connection between the interior and exterior of every home. I figure I spend about 30% of my time on a project just focusing on windows and likewise it’s about 30% of the construction budget. Windows are the eyes of the soul of your home.   And we all understand how windows work…… Continue reading Making Windows Work for You

Leaf Peepers Prepare for Portsmouth – A Must Do List

We are lucky enough to live in an area that has robust seasons that shout out to you for attention. Fall roars in with vivid colors of red, orange, and yellow to take your breath away.   As locals, we chuckle a bit at the busloads of people who flock to the region to experience… Continue reading Leaf Peepers Prepare for Portsmouth – A Must Do List

Why Structure is a BIG Deal

Do you know what is under your floors and walls? Don’t worry, most people don’t. Until there is a problem that is.   On this project, we were hired to replace the marble (a soft stone) floor because there was a large crack straight in a line. Needless to say, it’s not as easy as… Continue reading Why Structure is a BIG Deal

The Rewards of Refinishing Cabinetry

Do you love your cabinetry? If not, refinishing your current cabinetry is a great option rather than replacing it.   In this featured project, the cabinetry was originally installed in 2010 and the homeowner never liked it. But, since they had just completed a huge renovation project and they “just wanted to move in” (a… Continue reading The Rewards of Refinishing Cabinetry


Are you still working from home? Do you have the right equipment? Since the start of Covid 19, I’ve talked to A LOT of people about the frustration of their home – workspace.   An average family in America has two parents with two kids in a three-bedroom house – no office! Literally, every client… Continue reading STILL WORKING FROM HOME?

Holding on to Summer as the kids go “back” to school

Well, there is no doubt that this is going to be one of the strangest years of school. With SO much uncertainty, it can feel anxiety-producing.    The conversation is complex about going back or not. Yet, where my heart hurts for the children who have been suffering at home with neglect needs to get… Continue reading Holding on to Summer as the kids go “back” to school