Throwback Thursday: The Shed!

This shed is at our Gallery in Kittery, Maine and was originally the chicken coop on the property. It is located at the back of the property between the Black Birch restaurant and our amazing patio built by Hale’s Landscaping. When we first bought the property, my girls were 6 and 9 and decided that this should… Continue reading Throwback Thursday: The Shed!

Fabric of the Week: Hughes

Pillows can pull a space together and it’s especially fun in the bedroom. These pillows are a combination of Huges and Libby pattern collections  with Seaglass Blue and Chocolate Brown. How can I help pull your bedroom together with fun and interesting pillows?

Hardware makes the difference!

There is no question,  you can have expensive cabinets and throw your money down the drain by applying ugly hardware. In order to avoid this, I suggest following a few simple rules: 1) Keep it simple!  More complicated design or lines confuse the eye and unsettle the soul. 2) Think about the trend. Don’t go too… Continue reading Hardware makes the difference!

Friday’s Find: Susan Siefer’s Artwork

Susan Siefer of Massachusetts is an amazingly talented artist. Well, you give me a wonderful artist who is creative in every way and I will play, play, play. These 6×6 tiled artwork pieces are only $30 and hold interest, depth, color and vibrancy! If you are looking for something that is perfect for the one… Continue reading Friday’s Find: Susan Siefer’s Artwork

Throwback Thursdays: Birch Trees

For many reasons, birch trees bring people a sense of peace and inspiration. I wanted to figure out what this feeling actually comes from. The early uses were for shelter, paper, buckets, plates and canoes but also medicinally. Wintergreen Oil is extracted from the twigs. The tree was also believed to be immune to lighting strikes.… Continue reading Throwback Thursdays: Birch Trees

Friday’s Find: Gee’s Bend Rug

Feet friendly rugs are important not only for your feet but also for your floors. They hold so much power! They can be the focus or sit back into the background. I always suggest looking at rugs before you determine the theme of the space. Make sure it works with scale, proportion, focus and flow.… Continue reading Friday’s Find: Gee’s Bend Rug