Why Rugs Create A Space

It’s true, rugs create a space not only in layout and scale but also texture and style. A mood and space can be created just by purchasing a rug, regardless of price. LAYOUT: First determine how you would like your furniture arranged. You can do this either by moving around the furniture or by drawing… Continue reading Why Rugs Create A Space

Categorized as Interiors

Updating Your Fireplace Facade

Are you reconsidering the finish of your fireplace? Before Santa comes down the chimney, let’s take a look at options for your fireplace. The fireplace is often a central detail in your space so why not make it perfect. When building a new home there are hundreds of decisions that need to be made and… Continue reading Updating Your Fireplace Facade

Categorized as Interiors

How to Add Light into Your Home

Are you wondering key components to adding light into your home? Here are some ideas to brighten your space: Windows: the quantity and size of windows are the first key component to adding light into your space. Skylights are also a natural addition but make sure it is structurally possible and fiscally responsible. Direction orientation:… Continue reading How to Add Light into Your Home

Why a Commercial Space Makes you “Feel”

Every space that I work on has a psychological goal for the space. Residentially, we are making our clients happy by fulfilling their personal goals and dreams. If they love purple cabinets, then purple cabinets it is (don’t get any ideas!). But commercially, the goal is more complex. We are trying to appeal to many… Continue reading Why a Commercial Space Makes you “Feel”

Summer Renovations

Are you considering a summer renovation? HERE is a great article that will help you consider the financial investment. When people reach out to me about a potential project, I always as three key questions: SCOPE: what is the scope of your project that you are hoping to accomplish? BUDGET: what is the budget that… Continue reading Summer Renovations