Exterior Siding: New England Edition

Photos for unlimited use by Juniper River for self promotion. Photo credit, Claudia Kaerner, must accompany each use. Third parties must contact Claudia Kaerner directly for other licensing and usage rights.

When it comes to the exterior of your home, siding plays a crucial role! Not just in protecting your home but also in defining your home’s quirky character and curb appeal. In New England, where harsh winters and humid summers can take a toll on your home’s exterior, choosing the right siding is a must. … Continue reading Exterior Siding: New England Edition

Leaf Peepers Prepare for Portsmouth – A Must Do List

We are lucky enough to live in an area that has robust seasons that shout out to you for attention. Fall roars in with vivid colors of red, orange, and yellow to take your breath away.   As locals, we chuckle a bit at the busloads of people who flock to the region to experience… Continue reading Leaf Peepers Prepare for Portsmouth – A Must Do List