If you are considering a renovation or new construction project, it’s essential to know when to hire an architect.
As we launched Abrigo Home, this project was not only the response to a building boom/labor and supply shortage but also the accessibility both financially and availability-wise. Amy Dutton Home is a company that has had to resign high client demands and restricted the builders market. This means most contractors in our area are just focused on new construction or high-end additions/ renovations. That sets our budget for projects right above $500k minimum depending on many variables of the projects so that we can assure that we can get a contractor matched up with your project.
Simply put, there are three reasons why you need to hire an architect:
- If you have a project that is primarily custom by budget, wants, needs, and desires, you need to hire an architect.
- Suppose you have a project limited by a city or town for a setback, wetland, lot coverage, height restrictions, or other governmental restrictions. In that case, you need to hire an architect and/or attorney/ civil engineer.
- You want to customize your project so that buying online plans is not possible. This can be in plan format or the interior material spec sheets.
Beyond that, we are responding to your needs if they do not fit within the perimeters of ADH or other architectural design firms, with Abrigo Home providing an edited, full-service firm for all your needs. We are happy to advise you on if we can edit an already designed project (Abrigo) or if you need to invest in the Amy Dutton Home (ADH) personalized and custom design process. Either way, we are happy and look forward to working with you!