Important Steps to Decluttering Your Home

I live in a small bungalow with very little storage, three children, a husband, two cats and a dog. In other words, I don’t have the space to have a cluttered house and I also don’t function very well with clutter either. How do I keep things decluttered?

  1. Twice a year when I change the batteries on the smoke detectors and change my clocks, I take the opportunity to go through the kitchen cabinets, linen closet, pantry and mudroom and clean out extra things that have been sitting there for 6 months that I don’t need. These are the places that things hide and multiply so I suggest staying on top of these spaces.
  2. When someone gives you something, write a nice Thank You note and pop it in the mail. Then, consider if you want it or need it. Is “re-gifting” really a bad thing? Maybe someone else would like it more than you do – especially if you don’t need it. I have a cabinet where I keep these things and in worse case scenario, I always have a Yankee Swap gift during the holidays.
  3. If I buy something that I really like, I honestly try to take something out of the house on the same day. I recently bought a new vase at IKEA and it only cost $14 but it is very cool. However, I don’t have room to keep all the other vases as well. It’s not about how much money it cost, it’s about priority, space and decluttering.

The amazing cabinet in the photo holds all my clients desk storage, cookbooks, photo albums, files and more. Here are some more things to think about in this article on Houzz. Maybe you could do some decluttering this weekend then come into the Gallery and choose something that you really love for your home.


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