Cross Roads House Needs Your Support

Everyone deserves a home! It’s a simple statement yet a complex issue for the homeless population.

I’m very proud of my community for supporting Cross Roads House (Cross Roads House) in their efforts to housing the homeless. We have a clean and beautiful city that benefits greatly from CRH. The community that they serve also benefits as they receive housing, child care, health care, and social work services to help them find permanent housing. The social workers provide residents with education on life skills that they might be missing such as how to pay rent on time, balancing a checkbook, and finding a job.

Sadly, there are families that are also housed at CRH. There is a very vulnerable population and it’s a tremendous uphill battle to navigate in this world when plenty is stacked against them, let alone be a good and present parent. All parents know the challenges of raising children but not many understand the stress of raising a child in a homeless shelter. The housing is in a separate facility that is part of the CRH campus so that they have a common area, kitchenette, bathroom, and bedroom.

All housing is designed to be safe and accommodating while still sending the message that this is temporary housing. There are strict guidelines that the residents are well aware of that must be respected in order to reside there. This structure is the foundation of control and respect in their communal living situation.

During COVID this has been an extremely difficult time at CRH. The logistical and physical challenges that present a homeless shelter when the world needs to socially distanced are unbelievable. But… It is no surprise that CRH has risen to the occasion. I invite you to watch THIS video describing what they have done to keep their residents safe.

Every May there is an important fundraiser called “Benefit By The Sea” that raises upwards of $400,000K. However, this year they were not able to have the event. As you can imagine, they cannot go without these funds. Therefore, I implore you to make a DONATION today! Check out the video on THIS page.


My heart is pulled by Cross Roads House because I have the privilege of working in some of the most beautiful homes in the Seacoast and yet, I know that everyone deserves a home. Please join me in supporting this amazing non-profit that serves our community and has saved so many lives.


If you’re curious to read more about Cross Roads House… click HERE





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